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  • 4008-838-258   

Stationery and sports products testing

日期: 2020-05-29

Various local quality supervision and inspection bureaus have issued several supervision sampling inspection and risk monitoring quality analysis reports on a variety of stationery and sports products, some of which have been tested containing toxic and hazardous substances exceeding standards. Stationery and sports products are commonly used in the daily study and work of children and adults, and the safety of which indeed is related to human health. Therefore it is particularly crucial to regulate the safety of stationery and sports products.


Product category

Test items

Test standards

School supplies

Part of the parameters (except air circulation)


Free formaldehyde

Correction type stationery

Chlorinated hydrocarbons

Stationery and spare parts

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

(Bag method)

Plastic pencil case

All the parameters

Metal pencil case

All the parameters

Professional sports garments and protective equipment

Technical requirements for general physical and chemical properties

Sports equipment

Consumer product instructions

Sports water bottles

All the parameters

Sports protective equipment

All the parameters



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