
  • 中文/English
  • 4008-838-258   

LED module and light distribution curve flux testing

日期: 2020-06-10

Chroma test

Method 1

Integrating sphere spectral radiometer

Reference standards

IESNA LM79-08 Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products

CIElS:2004 Chromaticity

CIE13.3:1995 Method of Measuring and Specifying Color Rendering Properties of Light Sources

Method 2

Distributed spectral radiometer

Reference standards

ESNA LM79-08 Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products

CIE15:2004 Colorimetry

CIE13.3:1995 Method of Measuring and Specifying Color Rendering Properties of Light Sources

Test items

Average color nonuniformity   Color width capacity (color tolerance)

Correlation color temperature   Color rendering index  Color difference drift Color coordinates

Color tolerance  Color space inhomogeneity

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